Desert Grims Quest
Deep down in the Grim Reaper spawn in the Desert, here
20 Crystal Coins and 2,000,000 Experience Points
Lonely Cave Quest
On Lonely Island in a cave to the south west, here
40 Crystal Coins and 2,500,000 Experience Points
Ancient Castle Quest
Get access through a teleport from Volcano Island, here
60 Crystal Coins and 3,000,000 Experience Points
Hydra Island Quest
In the Jungle in a cave on Hydra Island, here
80 Crystal Coins and 3,500,000 Experience Points
Old Snow Mine Quest
Far north in the Winter, the cave entrance is here
100 Crystal Coins and 4,000,000 Experience Points
Obliterator Quest
Deep down in the cave on Volcano Island, here
One to choose from: Sharpshooter Backpack , Spellweaver Backpack , Backpack of Strength , Backpack of Regrowth.
And: Phoenix Statue, Siege Master Outfit
Secrets of Apherumes Quest
Below a small pyramid in the Desert, here
One to choose from: Abyssal Flame Boots , Dread Knight's Boots , Divine Sentinel's Boots , Nightbloom Boots
One to choose from: Gold Sphinx Doll , Emerald Sphinx Doll , Shadow Sphinx Doll
And: Eye of Apherumes , Red Pouch , 200 Magical Dusts , 100 Grimhaven Tokens , 100 Crystal Coins, Pharaoh Outfit
Echoes of Tomorrow Quest
Top floor in the Sorcerers Guild in Thais, here
One to choose from: Abyssal Flame Circlet , Dread Knight's Visor , Divine Sentinel's Coif , Nightbloom Diadem
One to choose from: Dark Percht Sleigh Doll , Cold Percht Sleigh Doll , Bright Percht Sleigh Doll
And: Kings Doll , 200 Magical Dusts , 100 Grimhaven Tokens , 100 Crystal Coins, Royal Costume Outfit
Ezequiels Solitude Quest
In a tower far north from the wall in Winter, here
One to choose from: Abyssal Flame Robe , Dread Knight's Cuirass , Divine Sentinel's Hauberk , Nightbloom Tunic
One to choose from: Duskwing Raven Doll , Mystic Raven Doll , Radiant Raven Doll
And: Skull Backpack , Ezequiels Doll , 200 Magical Dusts , 100 Grimhaven Tokens , 100 Crystal Coins, Winter Warden Outfit
Fires From Below Quest
Eastern Demon spawn in Hell, here
One to choose from: Abyssal Flame Leggings , Dread Knight's Greaves , Divine Sentinel's Greaves , Nightbloom Leggings
One to choose from: Blazeclaw Doll , Bogwurm Doll , Gloomwurm Doll
And: Demon Backpack , Demon Doll , 200 Magical Dusts , 100 Grimhaven Tokens , 100 Crystal Coins, Sinister Archer Outfit
Ruins of Rufatin Quest
Below the subway system in Rissne, here
One to choose from: Ring of the Divine , Ring of the Butcher , Ring of the Wizard , Ring of the Healer
One to choose from: Poppy Ibex Doll , Mint Ibex Doll , Cinnamon Ibex Doll
And: Doll of Durin The Almighty , Racoon Backpack , 200 Magical Dusts , 100 Grimhaven Tokens , 100 Crystal Coins , Rascoohan Outfit
Deep Hive Quest
West in the swamp cave in the Forgotten Swamp, here
One to choose from: Divine Talisman , Lionheart Pendant , Spellweaver Necklace , Wildheart Talisman
One to choose from: Leafscuttler Doll , Mouldpincer Doll , Bloodcurl Doll
And: Haunted Pumpkin , Ladybug Backpack , 200 Magical Dusts , 100 Grimhaven Tokens , 100 Crystal Coins , Moth Cape Outfit
Lost Temple of the Ancients Quest
North-west in the Behemoth spawn in Jungle, here
One to choose from: Stormcleaver , Sunblade , Oakheart , Voidseeker, Stormcaller, Shadowcaster
One to choose from: Cranium Spider Doll , Gloom Widow Doll , Cave Tarantula Doll
And: Ancient Artifact , Skull Backpack , 200 Magical Dusts , 100 Grimhaven Tokens , 2 Gold Nuggets , Nordic Chieftain Outfit
All For One And One For All Quest
200 + (First Rebirth)
Very far north in Rissne, here
One to choose from: Warforged Leggings , Nightstalker Leggings , Geomancer Leggings , Earthbound Leggings
And: Jewelled Backpack , 400 Magical Dusts , 200 Grimhaven Tokens , 2 Gold Nuggets , Golden Scarab Statue , Dawnbringer Guardian Doll , Conjurer Outfit
Blood In Blood Out Quest
200 + (First Rebirth)
In a crypt below the Bloodstone Island, here
One to choose from: Warforged Helmet , Nightstalker Hood , Geomancer Helmet , Earthbound Helmet
One to choose from: Flitterkatzen Doll , Venompaw Doll , Batcat Doll
And: Pirate Backpack , 400 Magical Dusts , 200 Grimhaven Tokens , 2 Gold Nuggets , Vampire Doll , Sea Dog Outfit
Infernox Rock Quest
200 + (First Rebirth)
In Hell to the north east, through a teleport, here
One to choose from: Warforged Boots , Nightstalker Boots , Geomancer Boots , Earthbound Boots
And: Dragon Backpack , 400 Magical Dusts , 200 Grimhaven Tokens , 2 Gold Nuggets , Dragon Eye , Ripptor Doll , Fire Fighter Outfit
Exterminator Quest
200 + (First Rebirth)
Beneath the Crumbling Cathedral, here
One to choose from: Warforged Aegis , Nightstalker Quiver , Geomancer Spellbook , Earthbound Spellbook
One to choose from: Jousting Horse Doll , Parade Horse Doll , Tourney Horse Doll
And: Plasma Backpack , 400 Magical Dusts , 200 Grimhaven Tokens , 2 Gold Nuggets , Dreamweaver Warden Doll , Mercenary Outfit
Top Shottas Quest
200 + (First Rebirth)
In the town square of Rissne, here
One to choose from: Warforged Armor , Nightstalker Tunic , Geomancer Robe , Earthbound Armor
And: Backpack of Holding, 400 Magical Dusts , 200 Grimhaven Tokens , 2 Gold Nuggets , Grim Raven Doll , Magic Mushroom , Entrepreneur Outfit
Magic Mushroom Quest
200 + (First Rebirth)
Located in the big white building in Rissne, here
One to choose from: Steelbound Ring , Bonewarden Ring , Starweaver Ring , Wildgrowth Ring
And: Cake Backpack , 400 Magical Dusts , 200 Grimhaven Tokens , 2 Gold Nuggets , Nightstinger Doll , Ghost Blade Outfit