Rebirth System

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The Rebirth System is a unique gameplay mechanic designed to provide players with the opportunity to enhance their characters and unlock new content after reaching certain milestones.
By opting to rebirth, players can reset their progression while retaining their acquired skills, allowing for a more versatile and powerful gameplay experience.

How to Rebirth:
When a player becomes level 250, they can choose to rebirth by speaking with Rebirth NPC, located here below Thais depot.
With each rebirth, the level requirement for the next rebirth will increase by 15 levels. For example, after the first rebirth at level 250, the next rebirth will require level 265, and so on.

Benefits of Rebirth:

  • 5% more HP gained on level up
  • 5% more MP gained on level up
  • 5% more capacity gained on level up
  • 1% more permanent damage per Rebirth
  • Ability to equip Rebirth only equipment
  • Ability to unlock Rebirth only quests

Unlock new quests:

Unlock new outfits and mounts:

Outfit Male Female Addon 1 Addon 2 Special Information
Wraithwalker Outfit First Rebirth First Rebirth You get the complete outfit and addons after your first rebirth.

Name Mount Speed Obtained With/From Notes
Corpsefire Skull +10 Requires 1 rebirth Can be found below Thais depot.
Magma Skull +10 Requires 1 rebirth Can be found below Thais depot.
Doom Skull +10 Requires 1 rebirth Can be found below Thais depot.
Angelic Stallion +10 Requires 2 rebirths Can be found below Thais depot.
Darkfire Devourer +10 Requires 2 rebirths Can be found below Thais depot.