Brown Horse
500 Gold Coins
Can be rented from the NPC Appaloosa, she is located outside Venores west entrance.
Grey Horse
500 Gold Coins
Can be rented from the NPC Appaloosa, she is located outside Venores west entrance.
War Bear
Can be tamed with a Slingshot
Use Slingshot on a Bear to tame it.
Black Sheep
Can be tamed with a Reins
Use Reins on a Black Sheep to tame it.
Racing Bird
Can be tamed with a Carrot on a Stick
Use Carrot on a Stick on a Terror Bird to tame it.
Widow Queen
Can be tamed with a Sweet Smelling Bait
Use Sweet Smelling Bait on a Wailing Widow to tame it.
Tin Lizzard
Can be tamed with a Tin Key
Use Tin Key on a Inoperative Tin Lizzard to tame it.
Kingly Deer
Can be tamed with a Golden Fir Cone
Use Golden Fir Cone on a Enraged White Deer to tame it.
Tamed Panda
Can be tamed with a Bamboo Leaves
Use Bamboo Leaves on a Panda to tame it.
Can be tamed with a Fist on a Stick
Use Fist on a Stick on a Dromedary to tame it.
King Scorpion
Can be tamed with a Scorpion Sceptre
Use Scorpion Sceptre on a Sandstone Scorpion to tame it.
Manta Ray
Can be tamed with a Foxtail
Use Foxtail on a Manta Ray to tame it.
Can be tamed with a Four-leaf Clover
Use Four-leaf Clover on a Lady Bug to tame it.
Can be tamed with a Iron Loadstone
Use Iron Loadstone on a Ironblight to tame it.
Magma Crawler
Can be tamed with a Glow Wine
Use Glow Wine on a Magma Crawler to tame it.
Water Buffalo
Can be tamed with a Leech
Use Leech on a Water Buffalo to tame it.
Can be tamed with a Golem Wrench
Use Golem Wrench on a Modified Gnarlhound to tame it.
Noble Lion
Can be tamed with a The Lions Heart
Use The Lions Heart on a Noble Lion to tame it.
Shock Head
Can be tamed with a Nightmare Horn
Use Nightmare Horn on a Shock Head to tame it.
Can be tamed with a Control Unit
Use Control Unit on a Walker to tame it.
The Hellgrip
Can be tamed with a Nail Case
Use Nail Case on a Gravedigger to tame it.
White Lion
Can be tamed with a Prime Meat
Use Prime Meat on a White Lion to tame it.
Can be tamed with a Bag of Apple Slices or bought for 500 Grimhaven Tokens
Use Bag of Apple Slices on a Donkey to tame it or buy it from the NPC (Token Shop) Greedy Goblin, located below Thais depot.
Rapid Boar
Can be tamed with a Hunting Horn or bought for 800 Grimhaven Tokens
Use Hunting Horn on a Boar to tame it or buy from the NPC (Token Shop) Greedy Goblin, located below Thais depot.
Crystal Wolf
Can be tamed with a Diapason or bought for 800 Grimhaven Tokens
Use Diapason on a Crystal Wolf to tame it or buy from the NPC (Token Shop) Greedy Goblin, located below Thais depot.
1,500 Grimhaven Tokens
Bought from the NPC (Token Shop) Greedy Goblin, located below Thais depot.
Tiger Slug
Can be tamed with a Slug Drug or bought for 1,650 Grimhaven Tokens
Use Slug Drug on a Slug to tame it or buy from the NPC (Token Shop) Greedy Goblin, located below Thais depot.
Can be tamed with a Golden Can of Oil or bought for 2,000 Grimhaven Tokens
Use Golden Can of Oil on a Inoperative Uniwheel to tame it or buy from the NPC (Token Shop) Greedy Goblin, located below Thais depot.
Undead Cavebear
Can be tamed with a Maxilla Maximus or bought for 2,500 Grimhaven Tokens
Spawns through the Undead Cavebear raid and can be bought from the NPC (Token Shop) Greedy Goblin, located below Thais depot.
Midnight Panther
Can be tamed with a Leather Whip
Spawns through the Midnight Panther raid.
Can be tamed with a Harness
Spawns through the Draptor raid.
Crustacea Gigantica
Can be tamed with a Giant Shrimp
Spawns through the Crustacea Gigantica raid.
Flying Divan
200 Red Piece of Cloth, 100 Blue Piece of Cloth, 100 Magical Dust, 15 Small Enchanted Ruby
Can be bought from Yasmin the Weaver.
Magic Carpet
200 Green Piece of Cloth, 100 Red Piece of Cloth, 100 Magical Dust, 15 Small Enchanted Emerald
Can be bought from Yasmin the Weaver.
Floating Kashmir
200 Blue Piece of Cloth, 100 Yellow Piece of Cloth, 100 Magical Dust, 15 Small Enchanted Sapphire
Can be bought from Yasmin the Weaver.
Festive Snowman
300 Snowball, 1 Carrot, 1 Scarf, 2 Dry Piece of Wood, 1 Focus Cape
Can be bought from Billy the Kid.
Muffled Snowman
300 Snowball, 1 Carrot, 1 Scarf, 2 Dry Piece of Wood, 1 Hat of the Mad
Can be bought from Billy the Kid.
Caped Snowman
300 Snowball, 1 Carrot, 1 Scarf, 2 Dry Piece of Wood, 1 Blue Robe
Can be bought from Billy the Kid.
River Crocovile
250 Piece of Crocodile Leather, 1 Crocodile Boots, 1 Sniper Gloves, 25 Boggy Dreads, 35 Cyclops Toe
Can be bought from Draven the Hunter.
Swamp Crocovile
250 Piece of Crocodile Leather, 1 Crocodile Boots, 1 Sniper Gloves, 15 Poisonous Slime, 30 Swamp Grass
Can be bought from Draven the Hunter.
Nightmarish Crocovile
250 Piece of Crocodile Leather, 1 Crocodile Boots, 1 Sniper Gloves, 20 Tarantula Egg, 15 Hellhound Slobber
Can be bought from Draven the Hunter.
Tawny Owl
1 Ring of the Sky, 100 Talon, 100 Small Ruby, 100 Small Amethyst, 1 Emerald Bangle
Can be bought from Fiona the Owl Breeder.
Snowy Owl
1 Ring of the Sky, 100 Small Diamond, 100 Small Sapphire, 100 White Pearl, 1 Gold Ring
Can be bought from Fiona the Owl Breeder.
Boreal Owl
1 Ring of the Sky, 100 Scarab Coin, 100 Small Emerald, 100 Black Pearl, 1 Ruby Necklace
Can be bought from Fiona the Owl Breeder.
200 Ape Fur, 50 Iron Ore, 40 Yellow Piece of Cloth, 20 Small Enchanted Sapphire
Can be bought from Jax the Ape Whisperer.
200 Ape Fur, 50 Iron Ore, 40 Green Piece of Cloth, 20 Small Enchanted Emerald
Can be bought from Jax the Ape Whisperer.
200 Ape Fur, 50 Iron Ore, 40 Red Piece of Cloth, 20 Small Enchanted Ruby
Can be bought from Jax the Ape Whisperer.
Toxic Toad
Weekly Boss Scorchwing
It has 3% drop rate.
Weekly Boss Scorchwing
It has 3% drop rate.
Weekly Boss Scorchwing
It has 3% drop rate.
Deep Hive Quest
Reward from Deep Hive Quest
Deep Hive Quest
Reward from Deep Hive Quest
Deep Hive Quest
Reward from Deep Hive Quest
Gold Sphinx
Secrets of Apherumes Quest
Reward from Secrets of Apherumes Quest
Emerald Sphinx
Secrets of Apherumes Quest
Reward from Secrets of Apherumes Quest
Shadow Sphinx
Secrets of Apherumes Quest
Reward from Secrets of Apherumes Quest
Dark Percht Sleigh
Echoes of Tomorrow Quest
Reward from Echoes of Tomorrow Quest
Cold Percht Sleigh
Echoes of Tomorrow Quest
Reward from Echoes of Tomorrow Quest
Bright Percht Sleigh
Echoes of Tomorrow Quest
Reward from Echoes of Tomorrow Quest
Duskwing Raven
Ezequiels Solitude Quest
Reward from Ezequiels Solitude Quest
Mystic Raven
Ezequiels Solitude Quest
Reward from Ezequiels Solitude Quest
Radiant Raven
Ezequiels Solitude Quest
Reward from Ezequiels Solitude Quest
Fires From Below Quest
Reward from Fires From Below Quest
Fires From Below Quest
Reward from Fires From Below Quest
Fires From Below Quest
Reward from Fires From Below Quest
Poppy Ibex
Ruins of Rufatin Quest
Reward from Ruins of Rufatin Quest
Mint Ibex
Ruins of Rufatin Quest
Reward from Ruins of Rufatin Quest
Cinnamon Ibex
Ruins of Rufatin Quest
Reward from Ruins of Rufatin Quest
Blood In Blood Out Quest
Reward from Blood In Blood Out Quest
Blood In Blood Out Quest
Reward from Blood In Blood Out Quest
Blood In Blood Out Quest
Reward from Blood In Blood Out Quest
Cranium Spider
Lost Temple of the Ancients Quest
Reward from Lost Temple of the Ancients Quest
Gloom Widow
Lost Temple of the Ancients Quest
Reward from Lost Temple of the Ancients Quest
Cave Tarantula
Lost Temple of the Ancients Quest
Reward from Lost Temple of the Ancients Quest
Dawnbringer Guardian
All For One And One For All Quest
Reward from All For One And One For All Quest
Grim Raven
Top Shottas Quest
Reward from Top Shottas Quest
Magic Mushroom Quest
Reward from Magic Mushroom Quest
Infernox Rock Quest
Reward from Infernox Rock Quest
Parade Horse
Exterminator Quest
Reward from Exterminator Quest
Jousting Horse
Exterminator Quest
Reward from Exterminator Quest
Tourney Horse
Exterminator Quest
Reward from Exterminator Quest
Death Crawler
Undead Dungeon
It has 3% drop rate.
Bunny Dray
Undead Dungeon
It has 3% drop rate.
Swamp Snapper
Swamp Dungeon
It has 3% drop rate.
Marsh Toad
Swamp Dungeon
It has 3% drop rate.
Stone Rhino
Orc Dungeon
It has 3% drop rate.
Glacier Vagabond
Orc Dungeon
It has 3% drop rate.
Infernal Dungeon
It has 3% drop rate.
Blazing Unicorn
Infernal Dungeon
It has 3% drop rate.
Void Dungeon
It has 3% drop rate.
Arctic Unicorn
Void Dungeon
It has 3% drop rate.
Neon Sparkid
Crystal Dungeon
It has 3% drop rate.
Crystal Dungeon
It has 3% drop rate.
Desert King
Raid Boss Turtok Murkscale
It has 10% drop rate.
Raid Boss Malakar Marrowmaw
It has 10% drop rate.
Phantom Wolf
Raid Boss Alistar Oblivion
It has 10% drop rate.
Blaze Wolf
Raid Boss Umbral Blazewing
It has 10% drop rate.
Forsaken Stallion
Raid Boss Eldritch Wyrmood
It has 10% drop rate.
Spirit Stallion
Raid Boss Castiel Guardian
It has 10% drop rate.
Corpsefire Skull
Requires 1 rebirth
Can be found below Thais depot.
Magma Skull
Requires 1 rebirth
Can be found below Thais depot.
Doom Skull
Requires 1 rebirth
Can be found below Thais depot.
Angelic Stallion
Requires 2 rebirth
Can be found below Thais depot.
Darkfire Devourer
Requires 2 rebirth
Can be found below Thais depot.
Cerberus Champion
Premium Shop / In-game store, see offical website
Can be bought for 1,800 premium points.
Magical Train
Premium Shop / In-game store, see offical website
Can be bought for 1,800 premium points.
Flamestrider Stallion
Premium Shop / In-game store, see offical website
Can be bought for 1,800 premium points.
Jade Pincer
Premium Shop / In-game store, see offical website
Can be bought for 1,800 premium points.
Premium Shop / In-game store, see offical website
Can be bought for 1,800 premium points.
Lacewing Moth
Premium Shop / In-game store, see offical website
Can be bought for 1,800 premium points.
Flying Book
Premium Shop / In-game store, see offical website
Can be bought for 1,800 premium points.
Astral Wisp
Premium Shop / In-game store, see offical website
Can be bought for 1,800 premium points.
Umbral Wisp
Premium Shop / In-game store, see offical website
Can be bought for 1,800 premium points.
Mistral Wisp
Premium Shop / In-game store, see offical website
Can be bought for 1,800 premium points.
Premium Shop / In-game store, see offical website
Can be bought for 1,800 premium points.
Pyro Wolf
Premium Shop / In-game store, see offical website
Can be bought for 1,800 premium points.
Premium Shop / In-game store, see offical website
Can be bought for 1,800 premium points.
Premium Shop / In-game store, see offical website
Can be bought for 1,800 premium points.
Jade Lion
Premium Shop / In-game store, see offical website
Can be bought for 1,800 premium points.
Winter King
Premium Shop / In-game store, see offical website
Can be bought for 1,800 premium points.
Shadow Draptor
Premium Shop / In-game store, see offical website
Can be bought for 1,800 premium points.
Armoured War Horse
Premium Shop / In-game store, see offical website
Can be bought for 1,800 premium points.