Addon 1
Addon 2
Special Information
Citizen Outfit

100x Minotaur Leathers
50x Honeycombs, 100x Chicken Feathers, 1x Legion Helmet
Purchased at Addoner
Hunter Outfit

1x Elane's Crossbow, 100x Red Dragon Leathers, 100x Lizard Leathers, 5x Enchanted Chicken Wing, 1x Piece of Royal Steel, 1x Piece of Draconian Steel, 1x Piece of Hell Steel
Sniper Gloves
Sniper Gloves, dropped by Hunter.
Female Summoner Outfit/Male Mage Outfit

Wands: Wand of Vortex, Wand of Dragonbreath, Wand of Decay, Wand of Cosmic Energy, Wand of Inferno Rods: Snakebite Rod, Moonlight Rod, Necrotic Rod, Terra Rod, Hailstorm Rod, 10x Magic Sulphur, 20x Ankh, 1x Soul Stone
1x Ferumbras Hat
Purchased at Addoner
Male Summoner Outfit/Female Mage Outfit

1x Winning Lottery Ticket
70x Bat Wing, 20x Red Pieces of Cloth, 40x Ape Fur, 35x Holy Orchid, 10x Spool of Yarn, 60x Lizard Scale, 40x Red Dragon Scale, 15x Magic Sulphur, 30x Vampire Dust
Purchased at Addoner
Knight Outfit

100x Iron Ore, 1x Huge Chunk of Crude Iron
100x Perfect Behemoth Fang, 1x Flask of Warrior's Sweat, 1x Piece of Royal Steel, 1x Damaged Steel Helmet
Purchased at Addoner
Nobleman Outfit

150,000 Gold Coins
150,000 Gold Coins
Purchased at Addoner
Warrior Outfit

100x Hardened Bone, 100x Turtle Shell, 1x Spirit Container, 1x Dragon Claw
100x Iron Ore, 1x Piece of Royal Steel
Dragon Claw - Dropped by Addonboss Demodras, found in POI Dragonlords (below Plains of Havoc)
Barbarian Outfit

100x Iron Ore, 1x Huge Chunk of Crude Iron, 50x Perfect Behemoth Fang, 50x Lizard Leather
1x Spirit Container, 1x Flask of Warrior's Sweat, 50x Red Piece of Cloth, 50x Green Piece of Cloth, 10x Spool of Yarn
Purchased at Addoner
Druid Outfit

50x Bear Paw, 50x Wolf Paw
100x Demon Dust, 1x Ceiron's Wolf Tooth Chain, 1x Ceiron's Waterskin, 1x Griffinclaw Container
Purchased at Addoner
Wizard Outfit

50x Holy Orchid
1x Medusa Shield, 1x Dragon Scale Mail, 1x Crown Legs, 1x Ring of the Sky
Purchased at Addoner
Oriental Outfit

1x Coral Comb
100x Ape Fur, 100x Fish Fin, 2x Enchanted Chicken Wing, 100x Blue Piece of Cloth
Purchased at Addoner
Pirate Outfit

100x Eye Patch, 100x Peg Leg, 100x Hook
Ron the Ripper's Sabre, The Lethal Lissy's Shirt, Deadeye Devious' Eye Patch, Brutus Bloodbeard's Hat
All found in Liberty Bay raid
Assassin Outfit

50x Blue Piece of Cloth, 50x Green Piece of Cloth, 50x Red Piece of Cloth, 50x Brown Piece of Cloth, 50x Yellow Piece of Cloth, 50x White Piece of Cloth, 10x Spool of Yarn
1x Nose Ring, 1x Behemoth Claw
Nose Ring, dropped by The Horned Fox, found in the northern part of the Forgotten Swamp, find the minotaur fortress.
Beggar Outfit

Male: 100x Ape Fur, 20,000 Gold Coins
Female: 1x Simon The Beggar's Favorite Staff
Male: 1x Simon The Beggar's Favorite Staff
Female: 100x Ape Fur, 20,000 Gold Coins
Beggar Outfit Quest
Norseman Outfit

5x Shard
10x Shard
Purchased at Addoner
Demon Hunter Outfit

The Inquisition Quest
The Inquisition Quest
Obtained from NPC Henricus
Nightmare Outfit

1500x Demonic Essence
1500x Demonic Essence
Purchased at Addoner
Brotherhood Outfit

1500x Demonic Essence
1500x Demonic Essence
Purchased at Addoner
Warmaster Outfit

1x Serpent Crest
1x Tribal Crest
Warmaster Outfit Quest
Wayfarer Outfit

1x Old Cape
1x Sedge Hat
Wrath of the Emperor Quest
Elementalist Outfit

1x Mage's Cap
1x Elemental Spikes
Elementalist Quest
Cave Explorer Outfit

5x Common Gem, 5x Uncommon Gem
5x Rare Gem, 5x Epic Gem
Purchased at Addoner
Philosopher Outfit

2x Broken Amulet
2x Broken Amulet
Found in Cormaya raids, dropped by The Philosopher
Shaman Outfit

5x Banana Staff, 5x Tribal Mask
5x Voodoo Doll, 1x Mandrake
Dropped by Tiquandas Revenge, found in Port Hope
Recruiter Outfit

50x Zaogun Flag
50x Rorc Feather
Purchased at Addoner
Arena Champion Outfit

Participate in killing Epic Monster Egg
Participate in killing Legendary Monster Egg
Base outfit, participate in killing Rare Monster Egg
Fencer Outfit

50x Marsh Stalker Feather
3x Epee
Purchased at Addoner
Herder Outfit

60x Wool
60x Pig Foot
Purchased at Addoner
Poltergeist Outfit

100x Ghostly Tissue
1x Ghost Duster
Ghost Duster is dropped by Wraithveil, found in the Dark Cathedral
Golden Outfit

Outfit Price: 50x Gold Nugget, First Addon 25x Gold Nugget
25x Gold Nugget
Bought from King Tibianus located in Thais
Pharaoh Outfit

1x Mini Mummy
1x Pharaoh Sword
Base Outfit is rewarded from Secrets of Apherumes Quest and addons can be purchased from Addoner.
Royal Costume Outfit

1x Golden Amulet, 100x Piece of Royal Satin, 100x Talon
1x Golden Helmet
Base Outfit is rewarded from Echoes of Tomorrow Quest and addons can be purchased from Addoner.
Champion Outfit

Outfit - (Task) Death NPC: 1000 Frags Addon 1 - (Task) Death NPC: 2500 Frags
Addon 2 - (Task) Death NPC: 500 Frags
Afflicted Outfit

500 Grimhaven tokens
Bought at (Token Shop) Greedy Goblin NPC below Thais DP
Glooth Engineer Outfit

1,500 Grimhaven tokens
Bought at (Token Shop) Greedy Goblin NPC below Thais DP
Sun Priest Outfit

2,000 Grimhaven tokens
Bought at (Token Shop) Greedy Goblin NPC below Thais DP
Entrepreneur Outfit

1x Rolex Watch, 300x Gram of Hashish
1x Rolex Watch, 300x Gram of Weed
Base Outfit is rewarded from Top Shottas Quest and addons can be purchased from Addoner.
Dragon Slayer Outfit

Weekly Boss Scorchwing
Weekly Boss Scorchwing
You have a 1.50% chance get the complete outfit and addons when killing the weekly boss Scorchwing.
Revenant Outfit

Weekly Boss Scorchwing
Weekly Boss Scorchwing
You have a 1.50% chance get the complete outfit and addons when killing the weekly boss Scorchwing.
Dragon Knight Outfit

Weekly Boss Scorchwing
Weekly Boss Scorchwing
You have a 1.50% chance get the complete outfit and addons when killing the weekly boss Scorchwing.
Wraithwalker Outfit

First Rebirth
First Rebirth
You get the complete outfit and addons after your first rebirth.
Seaweaver Outfit

100x Eye of a Deepling
100x Fish Fin
Purchased at Addoner.
Death Herald Outfit

Undead Dungeon
Undead Dungeon
You have a 1.50% chance get the complete outfit and addons as reward from the Undead Dungeon.
Puppeteer Outfit

Undead Dungeon
Undead Dungeon
You have a 1.50% chance get the complete outfit and addons as reward from the Undead Dungeon.
Trailblazer Outfit

Swamp Dungeon
Swamp Dungeon
You have a 1.50% chance get the complete outfit and addons as reward from the Swamp Dungeon.
Discoverer Outfit

Swamp Dungeon
Swamp Dungeon
You have a 1.50% chance get the complete outfit and addons as reward from the Swamp Dungeon.
Percht Raider Outfit

Orc Dungeon
Orc Dungeon
You have a 1.50% chance get the complete outfit and addons as reward from the Orc Dungeon.
Owl Keeper Outfit

Orc Dungeon
Orc Dungeon
You have a 1.50% chance get the complete outfit and addons as reward from the Orc Dungeon.
Battle Mage Outfit

Infernal Dungeon
Infernal Dungeon
You have a 1.50% chance get the complete outfit and addons as reward from the Infernal Dungeon.
Ranger Outfit

Infernal Dungeon
Infernal Dungeon
You have a 1.50% chance get the complete outfit and addons as reward from the Infernal Dungeon.
Chaos Acolyte Outfit

Void Dungeon
Void Dungeon
You have a 1.50% chance get the complete outfit and addons as reward from the Void Dungeon.
Void Master Outfit

Void Dungeon
Void Dungeon
You have a 1.50% chance get the complete outfit and addons as reward from the Void Dungeon.
Royal Bounacean Advisor Outfit

Crystal Dungeon
Crystal Dungeon
You have a 1.50% chance get the complete outfit and addons as reward from the Crystal Dungeon.
Evoker Outfit

Crystal Dungeon
Crystal Dungeon
You have a 1.50% chance get the complete outfit and addons as reward from the Crystal Dungeon.
Siege Master Outfit

50x Iron Ore, 5x Huge Chunk of Crude Iron, 5x Piece of Draconian Steel, 5x Piece of Hell Steel, 5x Piece of Royal Steel
100x Iron Ore, 10x Huge Chunk of Crude Iron, 10x Piece of Draconian Steel, 10x Piece of Hell Steel, 10x Piece of Royal Steel
Base Outfit is rewarded from Obliterator Quest and addons can be purchased from Addoner.
Sinister Archer Outfit

1x Quiver, 150x Skull Belt, 150x Book of Necromantic Rituals, 25x Skull
2x Sniper Gloves, 1x Skull Helmet, 300x Hellspawn Tail, 25x Skull
Base Outfit is rewarded from Fires From Below Quest and addons can be purchased from Addoner.
Winter Warden Outfit

1x Energybound Orb, 100x Magic Sulphur, 20x Shard
1x Crystalline Armor, 100x Blue Piece of Cloth, 5x Enchanted Chicken Wing 10x Behemoth Claw
Base Outfit is rewarded from Ezequiels Solitude Quest and addons can be purchased from Addoner.
Rascoohan Outfit

75x Bear Paw, 100x Thick Fur, 1x Fur Boots
75x Wolf Paw, 50x Badger Fur, 5x Skunk Tail
Base Outfit is rewarded from Ruins of Rufatin Quest and addons can be purchased from Addoner.
Moth Cape Outfit

1x Calopteryx Cape, 100x Waspoid Wing, 100x Kollos Shell, 100x Dung Ball
1x Grasshopper Legs, 100x Waspoid Claw, 100x Swarmer Antenna, 100x Compound Eye
Base Outfit is rewarded from Deep Hive Quest and addons can be purchased from Addoner.
Nordic Chieftain Outfit

2x Demonwing Axe
200x Hardened Bone
Base Outfit is rewarded from Lost Temple of the Ancients Quest and addons can be purchased from Addoner.
Conjurer Outfit

1x Firebound Orb, 100x Red Piece of Cloth, 100x Shiny Stone, 100x Demon Dust
100x Magic Sulphur, 100x Vampire Dust, 1x Batwing Hat
Base Outfit is rewarded from All For One And One For All Quest and addons can be purchased from Addoner.
Sea Dog Outfit

750x Compass, 1x Rum Flask
125x Peg Leg, 125x Eye Patch, 125x Hook
Base Outfit is rewarded from Blood In Blood Out Quest and addons can be purchased from Addoner.
Fire Fighter Outfit

1x Firebound Orb, 300x Fire Mushroom, 100x Fiery Heart
1x Fireborn Giant Armor, 100x Demon Dust, 20x Piece of Hellfire Armor
Base Outfit is rewarded from Infernox Rock Quest and addons can be purchased from Addoner.
Mercenary Outfit

100x Wyrm Scale, 100x Perfect Behemoth Fang, 100x Green Piece of Cloth
100x Scythe Leg, 100x Spider Silk, 100x Blue Piece of Cloth
Base Outfit is rewarded from Extermintor Quest and addons can be purchased from Addoner.
Ghost Blade Outfit

1x Earthbound Orb, 100x White Piece of Cloth, 1x Zaoan Helmet, 1x Zaoan Armor
300x Unholy Bone, 100x Ghastly Dragon Head, 1x Zaoan Legs, 1x Zaoan Shoes
Base Outfit is rewarded from Magic Mushroom Quest and addons can be purchased from Addoner.
Trophy Hunter Outfit

1x Lion Trophy, 1x Minotaur Trophy, 1x Cyclops Trophy, 1x Orc Trophy, 1x Wolf Trophy, 1x Dragon Lord Trophy, 1x Behemoth Trophy, 1x Demon Trophy
1x Trophy Hunter's Trophy
Purchased at Addoner.
Arbalester Outfit

1x Elven Legs, 1x Elvish Bow, 100x Elvish Talisman, 25x Heaven Blossom
1x Elven Mail, 60x Elven Astral Observer, 60x Elven Scouting Glass, 25x Holy Orchid
Purchased at Addoner.
Nightcloak Outfit

5x Assassin Dagger
1x Black Hood
Purchased at Addoner.
Breezy Garb Outfit

1x Northern Pike, 3x Rainbow Trout
1x Marlin, 3x Green Perch
Purchased at Addoner.
Herbalist Outfit

80x Sling Herb, 45x Powder Herb, 20x Stone Herb
70x Shadow Herb, 40x Star Herb, 15x Troll Green
Purchased at Addoner.
Merry Garb Outfit

Obtained through a Christmas Present Box
Obtained through a Christmas Present Box
Christmas Present Box is rewarded for killing the boss Bad Santa.
Deepling Outfit

300x Deepling Scales, 200x Deepling Warts, 75x Fish Fin, 1x Warrior's Shield
300x Eye of a Deepling, 200x Deeptags, 75x Fish Fin, 1x Deepling Backpack
Purchased at Addoner.
Insectoid Outfit

Insectoid Outfits Quest ?
Demon Outfit

Demon Outfits Quest ?
Crystal Warlord Outfit

Crystal Warlord Outfits Quest ?
Rune Master Outfit

Premium Shop / In-game store, see offical website
Premium Shop / In-game store, see offical website
Can be bought for 2,000 premium points.
Falconer Outfit

Premium Shop / In-game store, see offical website
Premium Shop / In-game store, see offical website
Can be bought for 2,000 premium points.
Guidon Bearer Outfit

Premium Shop / In-game store, see offical website
Premium Shop / In-game store, see offical website
Can be bought for 2,000 premium points.
Pumpkin Mummy Outfit

Premium Shop / In-game store, see offical website
Premium Shop / In-game store, see offical website
Can be bought for 2,000 premium points.